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yes i’m going away right now
马上就去  detail>>
i’m going right now
我这就走  detail>>
right now = right away
刚刚  detail>>
the more i’m going away
这才必须离去  detail>>
and now i cannot break away
如今我已不能自拔  detail>>
i miss you now where are you going
想念曾经最温暖的海底  detail>>
i need you now where are you going
想让赤道温暖最寒冷的北极  detail>>
i will set off right away
我将立刻出发  detail>>
i’ll do it right away
我马上做  detail>>
i really want to have a drink right now
我现在很想喝点东西  detail>>
going away
出发度蜜月。   detail>>
how i wish i could go there right now
我恨不得马上去那儿  detail>>
yes i will
是的,我会  detail>>
and right now
而现在  detail>>
but not right now
但现在时间还未到  detail>>
right now
此刻,现在,立刻,马上 此刻,刚才,现在 此刻,立刻,马上 就是现在 就在此时 立即,马上 立即;此刻 立刻马上 现在,...  detail>>
do you see how much i need you right now
你现在知道我有多需要你吗  detail>>
i can feel you touch me right now
此刻我感觉到你的贴近 我能感觉你马上触碰到我  detail>>